5 things that should be avoid in courting in order not to break up | english version

Hello buddy, back again with us at news wadul.
This time I will share 5 things that should be avoid in courting in order not to break up.

Sometimes we never experienced failure in courtship, of course, this leaves us heartbroken,
Well before that happens it will be good, we anticipate it with these tips.

-avoid lebay attitude or alay

This will make your boyfriend be your attitude because Tau kesel lebay, usually still pacara ga old berahan if our nature like that

-fixed berkumunikasi despite whatever,

Because a boyfriend, usually just wants attention from her partner,
Give your boyfriend's response to the news, wherever you are, whatever you're doing when your girlfriend's sms.

-do not lie!

Do not let you lie to your girlfriend, try to keep your honest against your girlfriend, because gradually when you lie, will surely be caught by your boyfriend.
Example "
Girlfriend; you yank again where?.
You; I again in the Office of yank "

Girlfriend; again busy Yes yank?

You; Yes yank lg loads todo "

Girlfriend; Oh yes sorry yank bug terusin aja gave, don't forget it's you girl anterin temen kalo udh wrong job you yank, kalo udah beres you directly into the home I Yes I want balikin ring that you gave.

You; Why yank LAH? How come you say so?

Girlfriend; dasarrrr lelakkiii pembohooong!!
Emang I ga liat ye cewekk ama road again!

Putuss naah also kan finally kalo bohongg!

-keep your eyes

If you mention the street with your girlfriend try to keep your eyes do not darting, later in your existing tabokk, hehe

-Don't be a cheapskate

So you don't get stingy, who the hell wants a girlfriend with a cheapskate?
Girlfriend; I yank laper "
You. ; returned home to you, let us eat there
Girlfriend; ayok, but ye beliin pake ya money used to be food! I ga bring money.
You. ; delicious yank wrote, this is money created I run in place of the lecture.
Girlfriend; Oh gitu, yaudah puttus, dasarrr pelitt we mereket jahee

That's 5 things to avoid in courting,


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